The Cardenal Negroni

26 November 2019
The classics give a "safe and sound" sensation and feeling, not just with yourself, but also the company you are in, waiting to taste your creations. By giving a Classic Cocktail your own personal twist, will enhance the familiar expressions, and you will feel right at home, from the first stir to the last sip. Always Master the Classics, and then spin and twist to your personal liking and preference, honoring the original "structure". The C Factor for me is all about being unique and different, but keeping it familiar and in the Comfort Zone. For me the Comfort Zone consists of great and home-Crafted sips, in great Company, with great musiC, smoking a great Cigar and just feeling at home, in your favorite surroundings (my wee Homebar).
the cardenal negroni cardenal mendoza cocktail
The C- ardenal Negroni by Morten Krag


  • 2 cl Brandy Solera Gran Reserva
  • 1 cl Angelus Sherry Brandy Liqueur 3 cl Espresso Liqueur
  • 3 cl Coffee Bean infused Campari


In a mixing glass filled with quality ice;
2 cl Brandy Solera Gran Reserva
1 cl Angelus Sherry Brandy Liqueur
3 cl Espresso Liqueur (I used Moketo Espresso)
3 cl Coffee Bean infused Campari (infuse for 20-24 hours, then filter) Stir with plenty ice

Strain into a chilled glass over large blocks of clear ice. Garnish with a dehydrated blood orange wheel and serve accompanied with a great cigar and Jazz music, and a spoon full of Coffee Beans for extra aroma sensations

Cocktail by Morten Krag

See more Brandy cocktails