Sanchez Romate Punch - by Natalie Jacob

23 July 2018
Zur Feier der Cardenal Mendoza Golden Week beauftragten wir wie preisgekrönte Natalie Jacob aus New Jersey, USA mit der Kreation eines besonderen Cocktails – und hier ist er!


  • 45 ml Cardenal Mendoza Brandy
  • 15 ml Mezcal
  • 20 ml Mandelmilch
  • 15 ml Zitronensaft
  • 15 ml Ananassaft
  • Eis


Alle Zutaten in einem Shaker mit Eis mixen und anschließend in ein Old Fashioned Glas geben. Abschließend mit geriebener Muskatnuss garnieren.

By Natalie Jacob, Bartender & Beverage Consultant Dutch Kills, NYC

Natalie Jacob has been in the service industry for 13+ years. Her experience working in various classic cocktail forward establishments in NYC led her to where she is today, behind the bar at Dutch Kills in Long Island City, NY. Her drinks have won several competitions and have been featured in the likes of Imbibe Magazine, The Village Voice, Business Insider, Edible Magazine, and Beverage Media. She attended F.I.T in NYC for Interior and Exhibition Design, which is where she gets her flair for close attention to detail, aesthetics, and craftsmanship.

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